Ranks & Roles



Leaders are the overseers of the community. They are responsible for managing the clan, keeping order and making important decisions. They make their best effort to shape a clan in a way that best suits needs and requests of members.



Co-Leaders are the extension of Leaders' reach in clan. They share most of their privileges and duties and can be assigned different tasks by members depending on the circumstances. They work under supervision of Leaders to protect, develop and manage the community.



Our clan features four divisions with different fields of activity. Every division has a number of members designated by the leadership based on their earlier contributions to the clan in their respective fields.

Division leaders are tasked to lead and coordinate works of the whole clan in their areas of interest. Every member is free and welcome to contribute their ideas to the clan, but Division Leaders can strongly influence the way TOR is gonna take in their respective fields.


Supervisors are members with high administrative and diplomatic skills.
They are expected to manage the clan, help new players, maintain the server, moderate the forum, solve conflicts, keep good relations with other clans and oversee the community.

Supervisors are likely to have good knowledge of the clan and its workings, server and people playing on it. They might be good people to talk to if you have any questions, problems or suggestions for the community.



Creators are people interested in creating new content for the community.
They can work in different fields such as making in-game models, maps, forum graphics, user signatures and avatars, filming JKA movies or promotional videos for the clan. They are responsible for forum and clan site looks, compiling TOR skin/map packs and similiar jobs.

Creators are the right people to ask for a skin, signature or avatar.



Entertainers are members proficient at organising and managing various community events.
They work on hosting events, setting up dates, coming up with new event ideas and reporting results.

Entertainers are good people to suggest an event idea or ask for informations about them.


Tutors are players who not only like to expand their knowledge in different areas, but also enjoy sharing it with others.
They teach others in many aspects, ranging from gameplay skills like saber fighting, acrobatics etc. They train people in game, organise group training sessions, create tutorials and host skill trials.

Tutors are likely to have a lot of knowledge they are willing to share. They are good people to ask for training or tips regarding lightsaber combat and other fields of gameplay.

Honorable Ranks


Exiles is a group of seventeen members who were once all members of Elite Fighters of The Force clan, but were removed on 2nd July 2017, when a group of ex-members decided to get back and change the clan and the way it's operating. These actions gave rise to our clan, as we constituted a good part of active members who grew accustomed to each other.

These people are the founders of a clan and an initial crew we started with. Some Exiles decided to go inactive or stop playing JKA entirely, but there is always a special place for them here.